Help us get a good estimate for food services by sending your registration electronically or by mail by mid-June.

Click HERE to complete the Registration Form. Or download the HARD COPY of the registration below and email ( or snail mail it to us at the address on the hard copy of the registration.

Crabby T-Shirts! (In development)

T-Shirts are $?? for the short sleeve and $?? for the long sleeve. (cost pending.)
Follow THIS LINK to the T-Shirt order page. Or download the HARD COPY of the order form return by email ( or snail mail it to us at the address on the hard copy of the order form.

We need your help on this too! Get your order in by mid-June to ensure your T-shirt is ready for you at the Reunion.

Auction & Raffle

Got an auction item or something special for the raffle? Click HERE to register your item online. Click HERE for the form to let us know what you’ll be bringing! Your auction donation helps defray the cost for everyone!